The 2024-25 APG Seminar Series will be held on Thursdays at 2:30 p.m. in person only. Fall seminars will be held in 105 Cargill with receptions following in the Cargill Atrium. Spring seminars will be held in 306 Borlaug Hall. A reception will follow each seminar in 302 Borlaug.
Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Location |
January 30 | Craig See, Anibal Cerrudo, Charlotte Brault | University of Minnesota, Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics | Inside APG: Three researchers share their work | 306 Borlaug Hall |
February 27 | Sean Smukler | University of British Columbia | Mobilizing Climate Action in British Columbia Agriculture – Focusing on Resilience to also Reduce Emissions and Sequester Carbon | 306 Borlaug Hall |
March 27 | Alex Harkess | Hudson/Alpha Institute for Biotechnology | TBD | 306 Borlaug Hall |
April 24 | Patricio Grassini | University of Nebraska-Linoln | TBD | 306 Borlaug Hall |