Ph.D.: Iowa State (1998)
Year Appointed: 1998
Rank: Professor and Extension Agronomist
Areas of Interest
Soybean management.
- Applied soybean production and physiology research focused yield and seed quality enhancement
- Soybean production Extension program
- International market expansion of bulk commodity and food grade soybean and soybean products
Select Publications
Rowntree, S., J. J. Suhre, N. Weidenbenner, E. Wilson, V. Davis, S. Naeve, S. Casteel, B. Diers, P. Esker, J. Specht, and S.P. Conley, S. 2013. Genetic gain x management interactions in soybean: I. Planting date. Crop Sci. 53:1128-1138.
Bolon, Yung-Tsi, William J. Haun, Wayne W. Xu, David Grant, Minviluz G. Stacey, Rex T. Nelson, Daniel J. Gerhardt, Jeffrey A. Jeddeloh, Gary Stacey, Gary J. Muehlbauer, James H. Orf, Seth L. Naeve, Robert M. Stupar and Carroll P. Vance. 2011. Phenotypic and genomic analyses of a fast neutron mutant population resource in soybean. Plant Phys. 156:240-253.
Furseth, B., V. M. Davis, S. N. Casteel, S. L. Naeve, and S. P. Conley. 2011. Soybean seed yield was not influenced by foliar applications of sugar. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2011-0615-01-BR.
De Bruin, J. L., P. Pedersen, S. P. Conley, J. M. Gaska, S. L. Naeve, J. E. Kurle, R. W. Elmore, L. J. Giesler, and L. J. Abendroth. 2010. Probability of yield response to inoculants in fields with a history of soybean. Crop Sci. 50: 1: 265-272.
Proulx, R.A. and S.L. Naeve. 2009. Pod removal, shade, and defoliation effects on soybean yield, protein, and oil. Agron. J. 101:971-978.
Naeve, S., R. Proulx, B. Hulke, and T. O’Neill. 2008. Sample size and heterogeneity effects on the analysis of whole soybean seed using near infrared spectroscopy. Agron. J. 100:231-234.
Naeve, S., T. O’Neill, and J. Miller-Garvin. 2008. Canopy N reserves: impact on soybean yield and seed quality traits in northern latitudes. Agron. J. 100:681-689.
Naeve, S., and S. Huerd. 2008. Year, region, and temperature effects on the quality of Minnesota’s soybean crop. Agron. J. 100:690-695.
Naeve, S.L. and J.H. Orf. 2007. Quality of the 2007 soybean crop from the United States [Online]. Available at www.ussoyexports.org/resources/2007USSoybeanQuality_Report.pdf (verified 23 June, 2008). The U.S. Soybean Export Council, St. Louis, MO, and at www.soybeans.umn.edu. (verified 23 June, 2008)
Naeve, S.L. 2006. Iron deficiency chlorosis in soybean: soybean seeding rate and companion crops effects. Agron. J. 98:1575-1581.
Naeve, S.L., and G.W. Rehm. 2006. Genotype X environment interactions within iron deficiency chlorosis-tolerant soybean genotypes. Agron. J. 98:808-814.
Naeve, S., and R. Shibles. 2005. Distribution and mobilization of sulfur during soybean reproduction. Crop Sci. 45:2540-2551.